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A Collaborative Effort to Support School Leaders

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Staff from the Lead for Literacy Center are joined by staff from three other OSEP-funded Centers—the National Center on Improving Literacy (NCIL), National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII), and National Center on Systemic Improvement (NCSI)—to discuss the Lead for Literacy five element framework and its application to their work during the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) 2021 Virtual Conference.

Goals of this presentation:

1. Understand the five elements of the Lead for Literacy (L4L) Center framework.
2. Learn about federal efforts to provide technical assistance to states, districts and school related to the improvement of literacy outcomes for all students, including those with disabilities or at risk of developing literacy-related disabilities.
3. Learn about resources and services available from four federally funded TA Centers that support application of L4L's framework.